Tammy Baldwin stumbled in tonight’s debate against Leah Vukmir, showing voters once and for all that she cares more about Washington than the folks back home in Wisconsin.

Senator Baldwin failed to explain why she ignored the opioid crisis at the Tomah VA, lied about her record on health care, which caused health insurance premiums in the Badger State to nearly double, and pretended her time in Washington has been anything short of a disaster for Wisconsin farmers.

It’s clear Wisconsin can’t trust Tammy Baldwin and it’s time for Wisconsin to send her packing.

“In the debate this evening, Senator Baldwin let voters see for themselves how Wisconsin has taken a back seat to the priorities of her liberal party bosses in Washington,” said NRSC Spokesman Calvin Moore. “Baldwin turning a blind eye to Wisconsin veterans and allowing health insurance premiums to double on her watch is why voters are ready to vote her out this November.”

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