Washington, D.C. – Yesterday, during the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure markup of the Dems’ reckless tax and spending bill, PA Senate hopeful Congressman Conor Lamb again sided with House Democrats and voted against bettering the lives of hardworking Pennsylvania families on a number of issues. 

Let’s take a look:

  • Inflation: Lamb voted against protecting Americans from skyrocketing inflation caused by reckless spending.
  • Hurricane Ida: Lamb voted against relief for victims of Hurricane Ida, which caused extreme flooding and damage in his state of Pennsylvania. 
  • Critical Race Theory: Lamb voted to allow Critical Race Theory to be taught to our armed forces.
  • Energy: Lamb voted to prioritize oil production from OPEC countries over energy production in America, even though energy jobs are one of the main drivers of his state’s economy, providing tens of thousands of jobs in Pennsylvania.
  • Police: Lamb voted to allow funding to jurisdictions that have defunded the police.

Statement from NRSC Spokeswoman Lizzie Litzow: “No surprise here. Conor Lamb once again voted along party lines, caving to his party’s leadership over protecting and bettering the lives of Pennsylvanians. As history shows, Lamb will always side with Washington Democrats. Pennsylvanians deserve a leader who will put them before party leadership and that is not Conor Lamb.”


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