Washington, D.C. – Arizona gas prices are spiking – currently at a record-breaking $4.40 per gallon – but Senator Mark Kelly isn’t working to lower costs for Arizonans. Instead, Kelly is lying to voters about his record of voting to weaken U.S. energy independence.
While addressing skyrocketing gas prices in his state, Kelly falsely claimed he would “take steps to strengthen our energy independence.”

That statement stands in stark contrast to the Mark Kelly who voted numerous of times against expanding U.S. oil and gas supplies:
- In 2021, Kelly voted three times against legislation to prohibit a ban on fracking (Senate Roll Call Votes: 2/4/21, 2/5/21, 8/10/21)
- In 2021, Kelly voted four times against advancing the Keystone XL Pipeline, killing roughly 11,000 good-paying jobs in the process (Senate Roll Call Votes: 2/4/21, 2/5/21, 3/6/21, 3/6/21)
- Kelly has a 97% lifetime rating from the League of Conservation Voters, a group leading advocacy of the Green New Deal (National Environmental Scorecard, League Of Conservation Voters)
Once again, Mark Kelly is rewriting history by telling Arizonans one thing but doing the exact opposite when Chuck Schumer forces him to vote in D.C.