Joe Manchin was back in the Mountain State this weekend and West Virginians had one message for him on Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation, best summarized by one voter who told the Senator, “If you don’t vote for him, I won’t vote for you.” Manchin’s candid response? “I get that a lot.”

Manchin participated in the Pumpkin Festival parade in Milton yesterday, and all along the route, voters let him know that it was time to stop playing games. But still Manchin had no answers.

  • When a voter asked how he would vote on Judge Kavanaugh, Manchin said he was waiting until the end of the week.
  • Another voter repeatedly shouted Judge Kavanaugh’s name. Manchin could only muster a soft “Thank you.”
  • A third voter yells “Vote for Kavanaugh.” Manchin just said “I hear you.”
  • A woman asks Manchin “Are you going to vote for the Judge?” Manchin told her to wait until Friday.
  • A fifth voter tells Manchin “If you don’t vote for him, I won’t vote for you.” Manchin responded, “I get that a lot.”

Click HERE to watch video of Manchin getting called out at the parade.

Joe Manchin should expect to continue to feel pressure whenever he shows his face in West Virginia, as a poll conducted after Thursday’s hearing shows West Virginians want Judge Kavanaugh confirmed by a 58%-28% margin that includes majorities of women and independents in favor of confirmation.

“West Virginians are sending a clear message to Joe Manchin that it’s time to stop playing political games and support Judge Kavanaugh,” said NRSC Spokesman Bob Salera. “Manchin has remained silent as Chuck Schumer and his liberal allies turned the confirmation process into a circus, and voters can see through his partisan posturing.”

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