Washington, D.C. – The Biden-Harris Administration has been American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten’s best ally in Washington since taking office. The administration covered for the teachers unions as they ignored science in order to keep kids out of the classroom. Now the administration is standing arm-in-arm with the AFT and other teachers unions as they pledge to push Critical Race Theory in classrooms across the nation.
As the teachers unions and the Biden-Harris Administration double down on their support for curriculum that wrongly teaches students that America is a racist nation, voters are soundly rejecting this radical ideology, according to a recent battleground survey from the NRSC and the Republican Governors Association (RGA).
The poll finds that roughly two-thirds of voters – including 76% of Independents – reject the radical notion that American was founded on racism and that racism continues to this day. The only supporters of critical race theory are voters who identify as “strong Democrats.”

CLICK HERE to view the full NRSC/RGA poll.